Each year the Max Restaurant Group teams up with Josh Cellars for a month-long promotion, where for every glass, quartino and bottle of Josh sold, a portion of the proceeds is donated to the St Francis Foundation in support of their Women’s Heart Health Program. This is a fabulous program that goes out into the community to provide screenings related to cardio-health, as well providing both preventive and treatment resources to women at risk for heart related health issues.
We are very pleased to announce the 2018 contribution totaled over $7000, and will have a direct impact on the various programs and events that are part of the initiative. Max Restaurant Group would like to thank all of our guests for recognizing the benefits of such a program and making a difference by enjoying a glass or bottle of Josh Cellars wine.

A little bit about the Women’s Heart Health Program
The Women’s Heart Program is offered free to any woman over 18. It is designed to help women take a proactive approach to heart disease through education and increased awareness. Participants register for an education session provided by a cardiologist, registered nurse, a registered dietitian, and an exercise physiologist. The staff of the Women’s Heart Program will assist you in developing individualized goals for reducing your risk of heart disease, making appropriate dietary changes, and beginning a structured exercise program.
What happens at a Women’s Heart event?
- It lasts about 1 hour, and is led by our team of healthcare professionals that includes a cardiologist, exercise physiologist, a registered dietitian, and a nurse.
- The team evaluates your heart risk by looking at your BMI, weight, waist circumference, and blood pressure. Our team may also assess your diet history, any available labs you may have, your physical activity and any other pertinent medical history.
- The Cardiologist and nurse will review the signs and symptoms of heart disease for womens and discuss risk reduction strategies. The dietitian will make heart-healthy recommendations about diet, and the exercise physiologist will make physical activity recommendations to help you meet your goals.
- The staff also provides educational lectures to groups looking for a team wellness approach.
Although heart disease is the biggest health threat to women, it is preventable.
For more information about the St Francis Hospital and Medical Center’s Women’s Heart Health Program – please visit their website.
For information about Josh Cellars – please visit their website.